Acupuncture + Herbal Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture works with 12 primary meridians and 8 extraordinary vessels. There are over 400 acupuncture points between these channels that are used to bring the body back to balance through musculoskeletal work and by calming the central nervous system.
Herbal medicine compliments acupuncture treatments in many ways. In both Eastern and Western herbal medicine, herbs can be a mix of common herbs and spices, as well as various plant medicines. The beauty of herbal medicine is that your practitioner can utilize classical formulas or customize formulas just for you.
What to expect at your first appointment?
Prior to your initial appointment, you will be asked to complete intake and consent forms. From this, your practitioner is able to learn more about you, your health history and general lifestyle. This will also help your practitioner understand the focus on your work together.
Each initial consultation includes a treatment, be it acupuncture or cupping (as the practitioner sees fit) and an agreed treatment plan to address the patient’s primary focuses.
Herbal medicine in forms of nutrition, teas and topicals may also be part of the treatment plan.